Quick Links
Featured and Recommended Resources
Recommended Resources
- 2-1-1 Idaho Careline – The 2-1-1 Idaho CareLine, a free statewide community Information and Referral service, is a program of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Our comprehensive database includes programs that offer free or low cost Health and Human services or social services, such as Rental Assistance, Energy Assistance, Medical Assistance, Food and Clothing, Child Care Resources, Emergency Shelter, and more.
- 2020 Census – The 2020 Census counts every person living in the 50 states, District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories. The census provides critical data that lawmakers, business owners, teachers, and many others use to provide daily services, products, and support for you and your community.
Featured Resources
Recommended Resources
- AARP’s Guide to Applying for Assistance
- AARP Tax-Aide
- AFSA Education Foundation – Financial literacy online.
- American Archive of Public Broadcasting – Historic programs of publicly funded radio and television.
- American Association of Law Libraries – Legal Information Toolkit – Written by: Marsha Thomas, University of Utah S.J. Quinney Law Library, and Betsy Sandison, Baltimore County Circuit Court Law Library. Offered by: Legal Information Service to the Public Special Interest Section of the American Association of Law Libraries. This is a toolkit meant to help public librarians understand the process of legal research, effectively develop and use the information located within their libraries, utilize information located outside their libraries, with the end goal of helping the patron locate the legal information they need.
- Ancestry Forms and Charts – Various options to assist in organizing your research.
- Area Agency on Aging of North Idaho
- AreaCodeLocations.info – Find telephone area codes.
- Art on the Green
Recommended Resources
- Background Notes – Brief data on the government, history, and economies of countries provided by the Department of State.
- Baldwin Library of Historical Children’s Literature
- Banzai! – Online financial literacy.
- Barnes & Noble
- Bartleby Library – Great books online, including Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations.
- BestColleges.com – Our regularly updated collection of college rankings will keep you informed about what schools across the country have to offer in terms of top-rated academics and student lifestyle. From degree programs to campus amenities, we do the research on what matters.
- Bestsellers @ PublishersWeekly.com (Fiction)
- Bestsellers @ New York Times (nytimes.com)
- Better Business Bureau – BBB helps people find and recommend businesses, brands and charities they can trust.
- Bing – Microsoft search engine.
- Boise State University
- Book Riot – Book Riot is the largest independent editorial book site in North America, and home to a host of media, from podcasts to newsletters to original content, all designed around diverse readers and across all genres.
- Brightly
- Businesses USA – A centralized, one-stop platform to make it easier than ever for businesses to access services to help them grow and hire.
- Byte Back Typing Tutorial – The Byte Back Typing Tutorial is a free course designed to teach touch typing. Lessons, shown on the left, begin by teaching the home row keys and then gradually add additional keys until the entire keyboard is mastered.
Featured Resources
Recommended Resources
- Cambridge Online Dictionary
- Car d’Alene
- Castle Garden Immigration Records 1820-1957 – America’s first immigration center.
- CBR.com – Comic book resources.
- CliffsNotes – Read the popular literature notes online for free.
- Chronicling America – Search America’s historic newspaper pages from 1789-1924 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.
- City of Coeur d’Alene
- City of Spokane
- Coeur D’Alene Cemetery Database – Interactive Cemetery database where one can look up individual burial sites in the Forest and Riverview Cemeteries.
- Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce – Promotes, supports, and advocates for members so as to enhance the business environment.
- Coeur d’Alene City Code
- Coeur d’Alene City Election Information
- The Coeur d’Alene Press
- Coeur d’Alene Public School Board Meeting Minutes
- Coeur d’Alene Ironman
- Coeur d’Alene School District
- CometDocs – Upload your files to this service and it will convert them to another format and e-mail them to you for free. Create a free, secure account and this service will hold all your documents, available only to you for downloading, until you decide to delete them.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – A U.S. government agency that makes sure banks, lenders, and other financial companies treat you fairly.
- Court Assistance Office – This website provides tools and information for people who want to represent themselves in court, or who are unable to afford an attorney and would otherwise be unable to get their day in court.
Featured Resources

Recommended Resources
- Dictionary.com
- Digital Library of Idaho – The Digital Library of Idaho is a collection of digital libraries from across the state of Idaho, providing access points to the varied historical images, documents, and other media available to the public.
- Digital Public Library of America – The Digital Public Library of America brings together the riches of America’s libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely available to the world. It strives to contain the full breadth of human expression, from the written word, to works of art and culture, to records of America’s heritage, to the efforts and data of science.
- Discord – Social media.
- DoSomething.org – Founded in 1993, DoSomething.org is the largest not-for-profit exclusively for young people and social change. Join in the movement and help build connected, healthy, and sustainable communities.
- Down for everyone or just me? – Enter the address of a website and check if the website in question is down for everyone, or if it is just your computer.
- Dr. Lingua – Practice your hiragana/katakana skills here.
- Dropbox – Free online storage.
Featured Resources
Recommended Resources
- Eastern Washington University
- Edmund’s – Prices, reviews and ratings for new and used vehicles.
- Education Information Center – The Education Information Center is a project of the North Idaho Family Group, Inc. A 501(c)(3) corporation based in Idaho. We are a Backbone Organization that provides Communication, Education, Marketing Services to Nonprofits and Families in North Idaho, furthering our mission of “Healthy Families & Lifelong Learning.”
- Eldercare Locator
- Ellis Island Immigration Records 1892-1954 – Includes passenger and ship records.
- Epic Reads – Young Adult books from A to Z. Including videos, new releases, interviews, top lists and much more!
- Ezra Jack Keats Foundation
Featured Resources
Recommended Resources
- Facebook – Social media.
- Fantastic Fiction – Bibliographies for over 30,000 authors. Find an author by surname, or search for an author or book. Information on over 350,000 books. Throughout the site, just click on a book to see its cover picture, description and publication details.
- Feedbooks (eBooks)
- Fierce Reads – Discover the hottest new young adult books, access exclusive excerpts and giveaways, and connect with your favorite authors online.
- Find A Grave – Find the graves of ancestors and famous people around the world.
- Find Help – Search and connect to support. Financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help.
- Free Drawing Lessons Online – Free drawing lessons from famous illustrators.
- Free Online Ivy League Courses – Take classes online right now for free.
- Fresh Fiction
Featured Resources

Gale Virtual Reference Library
Recommended Resources
- GCF Free Online Tutorials and Classes – GCFLearnFree.org® creates and provides quality, innovative online learning opportunities to anyone who wants to improve the technology, literacy and math skills needed to be successful in both work and life. GCFLearnFree.org® delivers over 750 different lessons ABSOLUTELY FREE.
- General Land Office Records – Land title records dating back to 1820, many generated when our ancestors bought land from the federal government.
- Gonzaga University
- GoodReads – Goodreads is the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Our mission is to help people find and share books they love. Goodreads launched in January 2007.
- Goodnight with Dolly
- Google – search engine.
- Google Arts & Culture
- Google Drive – Free Online Storage.
- Google Translate
- GotResumeBuilder.com – Build resume online in minutes with free resume builder.
- Government Printing Office – US Code, Congressional Bills, Congressional Record, Federal Register.
Featured Resources
Recommended Resources
- Idaho Commission for Libraries
- Idaho Department of Health and Welfare> – Children’s Services
- Idaho Department of Labor – Job Seekers
- Idaho Jobs & Labor
- Idaho Launch– Retake control of your career with our online career and training research hub—Idaho LAUNCH. Search hiring trends, discover employer needs, see regional employment snapshots, research training opportunities, and apply for training funds. New courses will be added regularly so check back often.
- Idaho Laws/Rules
- Idaho Legal Aid – This site provides information, resources and links that can assist you in helping to find the legal assistance you need.
- Idaho Public Television
- Idaho State Archives – Provides public access to records of fiscal, administrative, legal, vital and long-term research value to the citizens and government of Idaho.
- Idaho State Tax Commission
- Idaho State University
- Idaho Supreme Court
- Idaho Votes – The official voting information website for the State of Idaho. Election forms, voter registration status, a polling place locator and frequently asked questions are available on idahovotes.gov. Voting options for those that have difficulty seeing or marking a ballot are also presented in accessible formats.
- Information Please Almanac – One-stop information/statistics extravaganza.
- Instagram – Social media.
- Internal Revenue Service
- International Children’s Digital Library Foundation (eBooks) – The ICDL Foundation promotes tolerance and respect for diverse cultures by providing access to the best of children’s literature from around the world.
- Investopedia – A resource for investing education, personal finance, market analysis, and free trading simulators.
Recommended Resources
Recommended Resources
- Kelley Blue Book – Car prices calculated for your locale by your zip code.
- Khan Academy
- KidLit TV
- Kids Ask Authors
- Kootenai County Genealogical Society – Dedicated to aiding individuals in their genealogical pursuits including fostering education and interest in genealogy, gathering and preserving genealogical and historical data, and aiding members in their genealogical or historical research and in compiling their family histories.
- Kootenai County, Idaho
- KREM Channel 2 (CBS affiliate)
- KHQ Channel 6 (NBC affiliate)
- KXLY Channel 4 (ABC affiliate)
- KSPS Channel 7 (Spokane PBS member station)
Featured Resources
Recommended Resources
- LawHelp.org – LawHelp.org helps people of low and moderate incomes find free legal aid programs in their communities, answers to questions about their legal rights and forms to help them with their legal problems.League of Women Voters of Kootenai County Voter Guide
- Lewis-Clark State College
- Librivox (eAudio) – LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain and release the audio files back onto the net. Our goal is to make all public domain books available as free audio books.
- LiLI – Idaho’s Online Library
- Literature Map – Use this readers’ advisory tool to find an author read-alike.
- Little, Brown & Young
- Local Building Codes (ICC Online Digital Library)
- Lunch Doodles with Mo Williams
Recommended Resources
- MedlinePlus
- The Merck Manual – A searchable medical reference resource.
- Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
- Microsoft Digital Literacy – Whether you are new to computing or have some experience, Digital Literacy will help you develop a fundamental understanding of computers. The courses help you learn the essential skills to begin computing with confidence, be more productive at home and at work, stay safe online, use technology to complement your lifestyle, and consider careers where you can put your skills to work.
- Microsoft OneDrive – Free online storage and tools.
- Midwest Genealogy Center – Various options to assist in organizing your research.
- Mint – Mint.com is a free, web-based personal financial management service.
- Monster.com
- Monterey Bay Aquarium
- MyMoney.gov – MyMoney.gov provides easy access to relevant research on the topics of financial literacy, capability, access and use of financial products and services.
Featured Resources
Recommended Resources
- National Archives Resources for Genealogists – Articles, tools and various resources for genealogists and family historians.
- National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- National Council on Aging’s Guide to Assistance Programs
- National Geographic Kids
- National Geographic Maps – A quick and easy way to download and print any USGS 7.5 minute topographic quad.
- National Park Maps – A collection of maps of national parks, available to download.
- New York Times: Best Sellers
- New York Times: Your Money – Find news, information and multimedia about personal finance, including mutual funds, 401(k) plans, IRAs, asset allocation, mortgages and financial planners.
- NHS – Gym free exercises.
- No Flying No Tights – Devoted to graphic novel reviews specifically for those who read them the most — teens — and for those who might be involved in distributing them to teens — namely teachers, librarians, and parents.
- North Idaho College
- Number2.com – Boost your SAT, ACT and GRE exam skills with free practice tests and tutorials.
Featured Resources
Recommended Resources
- The Old Farmer’s Almanac – Terrestrial and celestial facts, stats, and predictions.
- Oliver Jeffers
- OneSearch – Private encrypted search engine.
- OnlineColleges.net – With a focus on emerging trends and developments in online education, OnlineColleges.net has been informing prospective students since 2009.
- Open Culture – Open Culture brings together high-quality cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community, including thousands of free online courses, books and movies.
- OpenStax – Free books. No catch.
Featured Resources
Recommended Resources
- Panhandle Health District I – Children’s Services
- Pacific Northwest Scholarship Guide
- Panhandle Health
- Patents & Trademarks– Search patents (1976 to present) registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office by patent number or topic.
- PBS Kids
- Penguin Books
- Peter’s Online Typing Course – By the time you finish this course, you will be able to confidently type all the letters, numbers and all the common symbols, with proper ten-finger touch typing technique.
- Poets.org
- Prodigy
- Project Gutenberg (eBooks/eAudio) – Project Gutenberg offers over 42,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.
- Public Books – Public Books unites the best of the university with the openness of the internet.
- Puffin Books
- Purdue Online Writing Lab: MLA Format
Recommended Resources
- Rich in Color – Reading & reviewing diverse YA books.
- Riveted by Simon Teen – An online community for anyone that loves young adult fiction!
- RootsTech – Discover your family’s story through historical records. With our collection of billions of records, you can piece together your ancestors’ history and bring their stories to life.
Featured Resources
Recommended Resources
- San Diego Zoo Kids
- Scholastic: Dav Pilkey @ Home
- Search Encrypt – Encrypted search engine.
- The Seattle Times
- SeniorCare.com – Assisted Living Costs.
- Small Business Association – An electronic gateway of procurement information for and about small businesses.
- Smithsonian Virtual Tours – The Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History virtual tours allow visitors to take self-guided, room-by-room tours of select exhibits and areas within the museum from their desktop or mobile device. Visitors can also access select collections and research areas at our satellite support and research stations as well as past exhibits no longer on display.
- Social Security Administration
- Spokane Community College
- Spokane Falls Community College
- The Spokesman-Review
- StartPage – Private search engine.
- State Of Idaho – Idaho State House and Senate, district lookup, information on current legislation.
- STEM Game
- Storyline Online
- Studio JJK (Jarrett J Krosoczka)
- Swisscows – Data-secure Google search engine alternative.
Featured Resources
Recommended Resources
- Talking is Teaching
- Teen Ink – By Teens, for teens.
- TeenLife – TeenLife provides the web’s most comprehensive directory of STEM, gap year, pre-college, overnight summer and community service programs for students in grades 7-12. Our print and online content helps teens, parents, and educators make strong enrichment-program decisions.
- Thesaurus.com
- Thingiverse
- Tinkercad
- Todd Parr
- Tofugu – Tofugu teaches all hiragana/katakana for free, plus Japanese grammar and culture.
- Typing Club – Learn Touch Typing for free!
Recommended Resources
- Underlined – Community of book nerds and aspiring writers.
- Unite for Literacy
- University of Idaho
- The Universal Digital Library – Million Book Collection
- US Code – Search the law of the land.
- US Embassies – Links only to US Embassies and Consulates worldwide.
- US Newspaper List (USNPL) – Provides national listings of newspapers by state.
- USA.gov – Learn about government grants and loans for states, organizations and individuals.
Featured Resources
Recommended Resources
Recommended Resources
Several databases provided on this website are funded by the Libraries Linking Idaho databases (LiLI-D) and brought to you by the Idaho Commission for Libraries. Additional support for LiLI-D comes from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. You can find these and many other databases on the LiLI.org website.
Please Note: Many of the FEATURED DATABASES are only available to Coeur d’Alene Public Library patrons, and are not accessible by the general public or other Cooperative Information Network patrons.
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Firewall software may be preventing you from seeing the correct login screen for a database linked from the library website. The database may showing an error message rather than asking for a Library Card or login credentials. Please follow the information below or refer to the instructions for your firewall software to adjust the firewall and allow the site to function properly. If you have any more difficulties accessing this resource, contact the IT Coordinator at the Coeur d’Alene Public Library @ 208-769-2315.
Please note: We do not have the ability to provide examples or assistance for all anti-virus or other software that may be blocking access to our databases.