Find out what the library offers teens!
The Teen Zone is split into about five zones:
- New & Classics
- YA Fiction
- YA Graphic Novels
- YA Non-Fiction
- Video Games & Teen Prize Shelf
New & Classics
One side of this shelf has New YA (Young Adult) books that were published in the last 3 or 4 months. This includes new fiction, graphic novels, and non-fiction books.
The other side of this shelf has older, more seasoned YA Classics that have stood the test of time. You’ll also find graphic novel adaptations and audiobook versions of the classics here, as well.
YA Fiction
The rest of our YA Fiction collection is out on the open floor of the library. It’s organized by author’s last name and series.
The YA Office is also right next to this area, so if you’re ever feeling lost or can’t seem to find what you’re looking for, feel free to ask me, the Teen Librarian!
YA Graphic Novels
Our YA Graphic Novel collection is located in the heart of the Teen Zone. This collection is organized by
character (such as Batman, Spider-man, etc) or series (like Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia, etc). If a title
doesn’t fit those criteria, it’s alphabetized by the last name of the author.
This is where the majority of our teen clubs meet. These club offerings may change to meet the needs of teens
and staff. Subscribe to our teen newsletter at cdateenzone.substack.com to be kept up to date on what’s
We have several passive activity stations in the space, such as mini-challenges and origami. The button-making
station is also within reach, where you can recycle damaged and withdrawn graphic novels into pinback
The library’s Nintendo Switch is also in this area. You can checkout the Switch equipment box from the front
desk and play the library’s switch for 2-hour sessions on the big screen TV. Use the pre-installed digital games,
or checkout a Switch game (from the Video Game collection) that you’d like to try!
The D&D Kits also live here. These kits include everything you need to play a session of D&D as a DM or as a
player. Checkout a kit and take it to your next D&D session!

YA Non-Fiction
Our YA Non-Fiction collection is tucked away a bit and features higher tables that are more task and study friendly. Our non-fiction collection includes a lot of homework help, as well as hobby and special interest how-
to guides, art books, cookbooks, game manuals, etc. Want to learn something new? Want to know how to do something? The guide is likely here. This collection is organized by the Dewey Decimal System, so it’s organized by numbers that refer to certain subjects.
Video Games & Teen Prize Shelf
Our Video Game collection is located just outside of the Teen Zone. We have video games for all the major consoles, including Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS, PS5, PS4, XBOX Series X, and XBOX One. We also have a
small collection of extra controllers for all of the major consoles and mini classic consoles (for Playstation, NES, and Sega).
The Teen Prize Shelf is right next to the Video Game collection. It includes donated ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) for titles that have come out in the last six months, as well as donated classics and other YA books that have been gently-loved. We almost always have some sort of challenge going on where you can win prize books. Subscribe to our teen newsletter at cdateenzone.substack.com to be kept up to date on what’s
Don’t see what you need?
Fill out a Purchase Suggestion for the item!
Not seeing a club that fits your interests?
Email the Teen Librarian!

Teen Zone Substack

Teen Zone Weebly


Vounteen App

Teen Zone Substack

Community Opportunities

Do Something


Project Gutenberg


I Miss My Library

Book Riot – Young Adult

Epic Reads

Fantastic Fiction
Young Adult Fiction

Good Comics for Kids

No Flying No Tights
(Graphic Novels)

NoveList Plus


Penguin Teen

Rich in Color

Simon Teen



Excellence in
Young Adult NonFiction

Good Reads Choice Awards

Great Graphic Novels
for Teens (YALSA)

Morris YA Debut Award

Printz Award for
Excellence in YA Literature

Teens’ Top Ten

Young Reader’s Choice
Award (PNLA)

American Indian Youth
Literature Award

Asian/Pacific American
Award for Literature

Christy Award

Coretta Scott King Award

Edgar Award
Best Young Adult
Mystery Fiction

Mythopoeic Fantasy Award

National Book Award
Young People’s Literature

Outstanding Books for the
College Bound

Pura Belpre Award

Scott O’Dell Award
for Historical Fiction

Stonewall Book Award

Sydney Taylor Book Award

Common Sense Media
(Best Books for Kids)

Idaho Battle of the Books

Kirkus Reviews
(Best YA Books)

New York Times Best Sellers
(YA Hardcover)

(YA Books We Love)

Publishers Weekly
(Best YA Books)

School Library Journal
(Best YA Books)

(100 Best YA Books)

for Secondary Schools

Course Hero
Literature Study Guides

Idaho Digital
Learning Alliance

(Practice Tests & Tutorials)

Literary Reference Source

News Literacy Project

Gale Virtual Reference Library

World Book Online




Occupational Outlook

208 Recovery North

Suicide Prevention Hotline

Take This

The Trevor Project
Teen Substack Options

Teen Zone Substack
This is the CDA Teen Zone Newsletter.
Receive monthly updates about what’s happening for teens at the Coeur d’Alene Public Library, timely reminders of teen volunteer opportunities, as well as last-minute notices if programs are cancelled or changed.
You can also subscribe to this newsletter directly from cdateenzone.substack.com
This is the ClassicBookTok Substack.
Join our virtual book club! Read the selected classic-of-the-month, and join the readalong on Storygraph in real time. Or checkout one of our previous selections from the Young Adult Classics collection and create your own book club with the provided discussion guide.
You can also subscribe to updates for this program from classicbooktok.substack.com