Call to Artists



Coeur d’Alene Public Library is looking to obtain the services of a dynamic artist to visually enhance the McEuen Park side exterior of the building above the Seagrave Children’s Library. The library is requesting proposals from artists that meet its goals while still allowing for independent expression within the concept.

Project Description:

Submissions shall reflect the stated design concept, be tailored towards children’s interests, fit in with the building’s design aesthetic and be reflective of the library’s role within the community.

 Art Goals and Criteria:

The purpose of the artwork is to advertise the location of the Children’s Library to those recreating in McEuen Park. It should be reflective of a diverse community and have broad appeal. As it will be mounted externally, it should be made of durable, weather-proof materials that require low maintenance. The artist shall consult with the appropriate City of Coeur d’Alene departments and designees during design and installation, and follow all code and safety requirements. Pre-existing artwork that fits the project goals and is suitable for mounting in the specified location may be considered, as long as it does not replicate artwork that exists within a 100-mile radius of the City of Coeur d’Alene.

Art Location Description:

The library is located at 702 E. Front Ave, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814. The artwork shall be mounted to the building on the side of the library that faces McEuen Park. The artwork shall fit within the dimensions and area of the building façade noted on the attached building elevation drawing and as noted below:

1.       Maximum average projection from face of wall shall be limited to 2’-0”.

2.       Attachment to the building shall be made by anchoring the artwork to the existing brick masonry veneer façade.

 a.       The selected artist shall provide for review and approval proposed attachment details and engineering calculations, generated and stamped by a structural engineer licensed in the State of Idaho. Engineering and attachment shall comply with all gravity, wind, and seismic code requirements.

3.       The maximum weight of the artwork shall not exceed an average of 20 pounds per lineal foot of length or 800 pounds total weight.

 4.       Artificial lighting of the artwork is acceptable via backlighting or front lighting. Any lighting shall comply with City of Coeur d’Alene code for light pollution and glare control. The Coeur d’Alene Public Library will provide an electric circuit and junction box to the lighting location.

5.       The artist will be responsible for installing the artwork, in consultation with the appropriate City of Coeur d’Alene departments and designees.


The  budget for this project is up to, but no more than, $18,000.00, which is inclusive of all costs related to the artist’s design and project which include the following:  Management fees, all subcontract and consultant costs including engineers, electricians, fabricators, studio and overhead costs; fabrication, lighting, transportation, delivery and installation of all art components; liability and insurance costs as required; and all other costs associated with the art project. Artwork should meet all applicable city building codes.  


1.       Call to Artists Opens: January 1, 2024

2.       Submission Deadline: February 29, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. Standard time

3.       Finalist Notification: March 18, 2024

4.       Finalist to Develop Final Proposal to Include Drawings and Maquette by: April 30, 2024

5.       Contract Issued to Artist by: May 14, 2024

6.       Delivery of Art and Installation by: October 1, 2024

7.       Dedication to Follow.

Note:  The City of Coeur d’Alene reserves the right to change the dates of the project timeline, to modify this solicitation, to request additional information or proposals from any or all participating artist, to re-open the competition and/or to accept or reject at any time prior to the commissioning of a work, any or all design proposals. 

Selection criteria to be used for consideration shall include, but not be limited to the following: artistic quality, context, diversity, and structural integrity. Submissions will also be evaluated on their feasibility and convincing evidence of the artist’s ability to successfully complete the work as proposed by the submitted materials.

Questions may be directed to:

Michael Priest, Library Director

208-769-2315 ext. 436

[email protected]

Application Requirements

All applicants shall submit the following:

1.       A cover letter outlining a concept that meets the goals of the project.

2.       A resume reflecting experience in submission, selection, and successful installation of art on a similar scale.

3.       At least three (3) images of previous work.

4.       To have preexisting artwork considered- please clearly identify photos of existing art for consideration.

After the review period of the submissions, the chosen artist will receive a $1,000 honorarium to prepare final drawings and a 3-D maquette which is separate from the project budget of $18,000.00. Up to five (5) color images may be submitted, each with annotated image information.  Failure to provide any of the published requirements may result in disqualification.

Eligibility Criteria

Submission is open to all artists, designers, or creative individuals residing in North America regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability.  Coeur d’Alene Arts Commission members and selection committee members are not eligible for participation.