Birds of Prey Event RESCHEDULED TO 12/10

Birds of Prey Event (8+ yo) – Sunday, December 10 (1 pm & 3 pm)  

Come celebrate the 30-year anniversary of Birds of Prey Northwest!  This organization, which is devoted to rescuing and rehabilitating injured or displaced birds in our area, is generously offering two showings of a special presentation. Join us in the Community Room to see some of their educational ambassadors, including eagles, hawks, owls, and falcons!  Because live creatures require calm behavior to be comfortable, this program is recommended for ages eight and up. Founder Janie Veltkamp will also discuss her book, Beauty and the Beak, which is being featured at the library’s Higgens Point StoryWalk®. This title, as well as her other book, Swoop and Soar, will be for sale at the presentation. 

This event is designed for patrons ages 8 and older.