Books to You
Books to You is a free library service provided by the Coeur d’Alene Public Library to patrons of all ages who are unable to visit the library.
Library staff will mail materials to you at no cost.
Materials are available in a variety of formats including:
- Regular books
- Large-print books
- Audiobooks
- Videos
- Music CDs
If you are interested in using this service, or know someone who could benefit from this service, click here to contact the Outreach Team.
Bard Database
Digital titles available for download. Use limited to registered users of the Talking Book Service. Contact [email protected] for eligibility information.
Idaho Talking Book Service
Idaho Talking Book Service is a free service provided by the Idaho Commission for Libraries in conjunction with the National Library Service for people who cannot read regular print due to blindness, low vision or other conditions.
For more information, call 1-800-458-3271 or visit //libraries.idaho.gov/landing/talking-book-service. Your library can also provide you with more information if you have questions about Talking Books, or applying, or need a replacement player. Click here to contact the Outreach Team for more information.
Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Visually Impaired
In addition to the library’s general collection and services, we have available:
- Accessibility features available on computers
- Ubi-Duo: this is a communication device that enables people who are deaf/hard of hearing to communicate with a hearing person who does not know ASL without a third party, using type to text conversation
- Large print books
- Audiobooks
Click here to contact the Outreach Team for more information.
Provides access to newspapers for physical or visual impairments over the telephone. For more information on these services, click here to contact the Outreach Team.
School Summer Reading Kick-Off Visits
Each year staff visits area schools to present the new summer reading theme to promote literacy and build excitement for a variety of fun summer reading programs. Free books, stories, games, prizes and the annual Traveling Trophy competition for public schools are regularly anticipated features of the summer reading schedule. Click here to contact the Outreach Team for more information.
Obituary and Newspaper Article Requests
Requests for copies of newspaper articles and obituaries from the Coeur d’Alene Press must be specific (i.e. please send me a copy of pages A11-A12, February 16, 1992). Unfortunately, our level of staffing does not allow us to provide more extensive research. We do not have an obituary index for the Coeur d’Alene Press so the following information should be included with your request: name of the person at the time of their death and date of death (at least a month and year). Requests should be mailed to:
Coeur d’Alene Public Library
702 E. Front Ave
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815
Or click here to e-mail the library.
(Include contact information with your request.)