Wilderness Explorers (6-12 yo)

Wilderness Explorers (6-12 yo) Thursdays (11 am) 

Adventure outdoors through books, activities and guest experts that highlight fun, exercise, creativity, and discovery. We’ll meet in the children’s library, but venture outside as needed. 

June 22

Meet the Idaho Fish and Game trailer at the library for a fun-filled fishing program!  Bass in the Grass offers kids the opportunity to learn one of the most basic skills of fishing – how to cast! Kids will get to learn and hone their casting skills while playing a game where they cast toward and reel in plastic fish scattered across the grass in front of them.

June 29

Learn about Coeur d’Alene’s native plants with the Idaho Native Plant Society.  Near the base of Tubbs Hill, we will look at diverse structures for an understanding of plant anatomy, such as roots, stems, leaves, flower parts, and fruits.  We’ll also get our hands dirty with a fun gardening project that you can take home with you!

July 6

  The Coeur d’Alene Audubon Society will be here to share their love of birds with the library!  Join us for activities that are designed to explore interesting bird adaptations that explain the characteristics of various species.  You’ll even leave with a bird feeder of your creation, so you can take up birdwatching at home!

July 13

  Prepare to be fascinated by an amazing presentation from the Coeur d’Alene Astronomy Club called Tour the Universe.  This guided tour of the Solar System and beyond will show planets, galaxies, nebulae, and more.  The complexity of the great beyond will be explored in a way that will encourage and enhance your understanding of the universe, and build excitement about one of the world’s oldest scientific disciplines!

July 20

Create a handbound nature journal with the children’s librarian, who is also a trained bookbinder.  This program will provide a fun and easy introduction to the art of handmade bookmaking. We’ll use basic techniques to produce a unique book that’s the perfect place to sketch and note your thoughts about the natural world.

July 27

Local author and firefighter, Cody Moore, will be sharing his new book, Murphy Gets a Job.  This true story is about his dog’s journey from being adopted as a puppy, to being certified as a Search and Rescue dog.  There were many things that Murphy had to learn along the way.  This fun and educational event will feature live search and rescue dogs, a search and rescue trailer, and members of the Coeur d’Alene Fire Department team, “Idaho Disaster Dogs.”

August 3

Don’t pass up this opportunity to try plein air painting outside the children’s library.  We’ll use acrylic paints and basic painting techniques to capture the beauty of our local landscape.   Creating art outdoors is a fun and relaxing way to enjoy your summer!

August 10

Come explore Tubbs Hill! We’ll learn about why the hill looks the way it does, how big floods carved the cliffs and caves, and how the forest stays healthy. Join the Friends of Tubbs Hill for a guided hike and find out how you can help protect the hill and keep it green!

August 17

Nothing tastes better than a meal cooked outdoors!  Join us outside the children’s library to have fun preparing a few camp recipes.  You can look forward to sampling our not-so-gourmet grub before the program is over.  Yum!

The event is finished.


Aug 03 2023


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Next Occurrence