Feng Shui

Feng Shui – Thursday, March 21 (4 pm) – Learn how to use Feng Shui principles to help create optimal health in all aspects of your life.

While everyone is always welcome at the Library, this event is intended for adults. 


Thursday, October 19 Feng Shui Works Like Magic! Learn how the arrangement of our living and working spaces influence the quality of our lives. We will discuss the basic principles of this ancient art. 

Thursday, November 16 (4 pm)- The Transition of the Seasons –  As the light changes, and as the environment turns white, working with the five elements can assist us to maintain balance in our lives.

Thursday, December 21 (4 pm) – Move your couch, change your life. – Learn how furniture placement can affect how we interact in a space and to each other.

Thursday, January 18 (4 pm) – Feng Shui Goes to Work. Learn how to arrange your work environment to support your focus and communicate to your customer/client what you are about in an instant. A visual first impression matters! 

Thursday, February 15 (4 pm) – Feng Shui for Vibrant Health. Set up your home to help you feel your best!

Thursday, March 21 (4 pm) – Learn how to use Feng Shui principles to help create optimal health in all aspects of your life.

The event is finished.


Sep 21 2023


4:00 pm - 5:00 pm