All Our Relatives: Art and Science Story Time

All Our Relatives: Art and Science Story Time (5-8 yo) Mondays, July 3, 10, 17 (10 am) 

Let’s embark on a journey of artistic and scientific learning inspired by our plant, animal, and tree relatives! Each week, we will foster a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world around us through storytelling, reading, and hands-on activities. Join Miss Mandi (Cherokee Nation citizen) for this science and art story time featuring books from Native American, Alaska Native, First Nations, and Indigenous authors from around the globe! Each child who attends will receive a free book. Come dressed to make a beautiful mess outside the children’s library rain or shine! Geared to ages 5-8. 

The event is finished.


Jul 03 2023


10:00 am - 10:30 pm