Featured Resources
COEUR D'ALENE RESOURCES (Available only to Coeur d'Alene Patrons)
Please Note: If you are not a Coeur d’Alene Patron, you may still find some of these resources available on your library’s website resources, or you can access ANY of the LiLI sponsored resources at

(Practice Tests & Tutorials)

Recommended Resources
- Babbel – Instruction in 14 languages using a variety of modes and models, such as live online classes with a tutor. The Freemium version has first few levels are free.
- Background Notes – Brief data on the government, history, and economies of countries provided by the Department of State.
- – Our regularly updated collection of college rankings will keep you informed about what schools across the country have to offer in terms of top-rated academics and student lifestyle. From degree programs to campus amenities, we do the research on what matters.
- Boise State University
- Coeur d’Alene School District
- DuoLingo – Play for free with ads. DuoLingo uses a “gamification” model to teach language in quick, bite-sized chunks for a few minutes each day. Lessons are free and DuoLingo can be played on mobile app.
- Eastern Washington University
- Education Information Center – The Education Information Center is a project of the North Idaho Family Group, Inc. A 501(c)(3) corporation based in Idaho. We are a Backbone Organization that provides Communication, Education, Marketing Services to Nonprofits and Families in North Idaho, furthering our mission of “Healthy Families & Lifelong Learning.”
- Free Drawing Lessons Online – Free drawing lessons from famous illustrators.
- Free Online Ivy League Courses – Take classes online right now for free.
- Gonzaga University
- Google Arts and Culture – Virtual tours of 500 museums and galleries worldwide.
- Google Translate
- Idaho State University
- Lewis-Clark State College
- Ling App – Ling teaches languages that are less widely taught, such as Khmer, Tagalog, Afrikaans, and more. Large Asian language selection. Available on mobile app. The Freemium version has the first few levels are free.
- North Idaho College
- – Boost your SAT, ACT and GRE exam skills with free practice tests and tutorials.
- – With a focus on emerging trends and developments in online education, has been informing prospective students since 2009.
- Open Culture – Open Culture aggregates free sources of learning for languages such as Spanish, Chinese, English, and much more.
- Pacific Northwest Scholarship Guide
- Smithsonian Virtual Tours – The Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History virtual tours allow visitors to take self-guided, room-by-room tours of select exhibits and areas within the museum from their desktop or mobile device. Visitors can also access select collections and research areas at our satellite support and research stations as well as past exhibits no longer on display.
- Spokane Community College
- Spokane Falls Community College
- Tofugu – Tofugu teaches all hiragana/katakana for free, plus Japanese grammar and culture.
- University of Idaho
- Wani Kani – Use WaniKani to learn kanji (first few levels are free).
- Washington State University
- Whitworth College
- Wide Open School – Wide Open School is a free collection of the best online learning experiences for kids curated by the editors at Common Sense. There is so much good happening, and we are here to gather great stuff and organize it so teachers and families can easily find it and plan each day.