Library Events… Children’s and Teens Winter Reading Bingo 15 Dec 202015 Dec 2020 The Winter Reading BINGO challenge is our annual winter reading program that runs from December through February. You can also pick up a printed copy of the BINGO card from…
Library Events JD Smithson Named New Communications Coordinator 15 Dec 202015 Dec 2020 JD Smithson starts as the new Communications Coordinator at the library on December 16th, 2020. She fills the position previously held by David Townsend, who recently retired after 20 wonderful…
Library Events Celebrate Jólabókaflóð with our free book giveaway. 9 Dec 20209 Dec 2020 Jólabókaflóð (pronounced yo-la-bok-a-flot) is the Icelandic tradition of book giving. It began in WWII, when paper was far cheaper than imported goods. People began giving books as gifts. The Coeur…