University of Idaho Law School. Jack and Daddy. May 31, 1948 - Bachelor of Laws Degree.
Hamilton & Hamilton, Attorneys at Law 1967
104 S Ninth St. Home for Jan & C.J. from 1948-1998. When they moved to the towers, son William (Bill) and wife Gerlinda moved in and are current residents.
Years of fun at the float house in Walker Bay.
Bill and Gerlinda back in Coeur d’Alene in 1998 after Bill retired from the Army.
Gerlinda, Bill & Nicole Hamilton. Christmas 1984.
Dick and Jill back in Coeur d’Alene in 1992 after Dick retired from the Army.
Family Gathered at 50th Anniversary. Panama Canal Cruise February 1999. Back row – Bill, Sam, Jerry, CJ, Dick, DavID Front row – Gerlinda, Nicole, Janelle (Shaffer), Jan, Jill (Jurvelin), Jilann (Carlson)
Installation 4-4-76. El Karnak Temple #6 Daughters of the Nile, Spokane, WA Back row – Jack, Bill. Middle – Jill, Jan, CJ, Gerlinda. Front – Nicole, Jilann, Janelle
November 2004. Back row – Jilann & Keelie Carlson, Janelle Shaffer. Front row – Caitlin, Kinsey, and Dave Carlson; Sheridan Shaffer holding Shane Shaffer; Jerry, Samantha & Simon Shaffer